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ESAi: Innovative Technology
That Reduces Cost and Enables IT Staff To Do More with Less.
Smart Technology for both Mainframe & Distributed
Environments. Improve productivity & meet skills shortage with expert systems automation.

They say "time is money." If that's
true, why are so many large IT organizations using out-dated processes
and old ISV technology that requires so much manual effort and time to
execute? Enterprise Systems Associates Inc. ("ESAi")
provides solutions that optimize the time, effort and machine resources
taken by daily IT tasks. We have applied innovative technology and
intelligent automation to significantly improve daily processes on both
mainframe and distributed systems. Thus improving the ability of IT to
deliver and for it to lower daily IT expenditure.
solutions are not the rehashed
code from last century's tools which many shops still use, but new
technology from the ground up designed to meet the needs (and the
constraints) of today's IT staff. With retiring staff and
limited resources for database professionals on distributed and
especially mainframe platforms, ESAi solutions are being used
by Fortune 1000 companies to meet the ever increasing demands on IT for
service and timely delivery. Let's face it, there are only
24 hours in a day - despite staff challenges, IT still needs to get the
job done. That is why companies increasingly buy
agile, productive ESAi solutions. Solutions that quickly pay
for themselves in a suprisingly short period of time.
What Solutions Do We Offer?
We offer solutions that "Get
the Job Done." There are only 24 hours in a day. With
limited and shrinking mainframe staff, having next generation tools
with expert systems capability and intelligent automation allow IT
managers to meet the ongoing demands for service.
View Solutions Based on What You do for Your Company
IT is a complex organization with professionals tasked to work together and meet a common goal. Click on the images below that most match your responsibilities and discover which of our
IT power-tools are available to ease your workload, enhance your performance, and meet Service Level Agreements:
I am a Database Pro
I Manage, optimize and
and guard corporate data.
I am a Programmer Analyst
Making error free, functional
efficient applications is key.
I am a Data Security Pro
Security, controlling access,
masking/encrypting are key.
I am a CICS Professional
Pro-actively find problems, Identify cost
& optimize CPU & MLC usage.
Monitor, Audit, Record Accesses to Sensitive Db2 Data,
Data Masking and Test Data Management,
Refresh Test Data from Production,
Fast Db2 Cloning Tools,
Db2 Log Analysis and data propagator,
SQL Performance and Db2 Buffer Pool tool like BPA4DB2 Bufferpool Analyzer,
Find CICS App Performance Problems,
Lower CPU and Reduce
Mainframe Costs